Chuck Van Cleave - Guitars



Age 11


I started Band playing drums. I soon found out I had no rhythm. I switched to trumpet and this trumpet thing lasted about 3 years till boredom set in. I soon found Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, and a few other Gods of Rock and Roll. I started my Great Quest with a worn out Fender “Mustang”. This phase lasted 6 months and I determined that this took too much practice. I quit playing guitar and just listened to Led Zeppelin for a few years… and still do.


Fast Forward - Age 17


Guitar class was offered as an elective at my High School. Subsequently, I needed something in Fine Arts to Graduate so I took the class. After all, I knew how to read music, so with a little push from the Instructor, I would not have a problem. I learned the all important minor pentatonic scale, and passed the class with flying colors.


Fast Forward - Age 19


I went to College and I hooked up with some dudes, played for about a year. We thought we were great, kinda an avant-garde sound. After I listened to a tape a couple of months ago and it was on the verge of uncontrolled feedback-noise, with a drumbeat, and few lyrics. It was still fun… We went our separate ways, to basically clear our minds.


Fast Forward - Age 22


I moved to Columbia, went back to school and Yes…eventually graduated. Before I graduated, I hooked up with Mark and a couple of other dudes, and as therapy, jammed weekly anywhere, everywhere, and sometimes even for BEER…but mostly for fun though…


So here we are today.


Only the faces have changed to protect the innocent but still…mostly for fun!

Chuck in Action at the Fish Beak...

Chuck @ The Brick...

Chuck @ Honest John's

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